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News Brief

Aug. 14, 2020KANSAS CITY, Mo.

MIAA postpones Fall sports

(File Photo courtesy Northwest Athletics)

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The MIAA officially pulled the plug on Fall sports Friday morning.

The decision came down after a meeting with the MIAA CEO Council Thursday afternoon.

The conference announced that football, volleyball, soccer, cross country, golf and tennis will all be delayed until January 1st at the earliest. The league will look into playing a limited number of football, volleyball, and soccer in the Spring.

The MIAA initially delayed the start of Fall sports by three weeks back on July 19, and removed all competition set for the month of September, but after more deliberation and new COVID-19 guidelines from the NCAA, including strict testing policies, the league was forced to postpone until the Spring.

"For us, my rough calculations was about three-quarters of a million, somewhere in there to test everybody per the requirements by the NCAA from August to December 31st for all of our sports," Northwest Missouri State University athletic director Andy Peterson said.

"If we did have that money lying around and able, I still don't think it was feasible because of the infrastructure. And I'm not throwing a dig at Mosaic or Nodaway County Health or our wellness center at all. It's just the nature of where we're located in northwest Missouri."

A release from the league also stated that the future of Winter sports will be looked at in the coming weeks: "The Association will delay a decision on the winter sports competition schedule until October 1 at the latest."

The MIAA outlasted most Division 1 and Division 2 conferences before delaying athletics as they searched for a solution.